Green Camping in Israel

Friday, September 15, 2006

alt="Campsites become GREEN villages " hspace=0 src="cid:015501c6d8f8$d64eb810$0100007f@corporate"
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Land Camping

Quoted from a presentation by Holy
Land Inc. Founder, Philip Blom to Christian investors: do think
we should start paying much more attention to preparing for the future while
still, of course, keeping up being spiritual "watchmen" for

During the transition towards multi-ethnic
democracy in South Africa under the banner, "One Man One Vote," a prominent
industrialist cautioned that the future would be better served by a slogan,
"One Man One JOB." In Israel the Arabs' leadership concentrate all their
energy on militant incitement and blaming Israel for their stagnation and
I've often asked Arabs, Bedouins and the anti-Israel activists: "what if
you manage to drive the Jews in the sea, where will the Arabs find jobs?;
how can they have a state without an economy?; etc.?" 

Israel still needs to absorb
about 6 million Jews from the nations that we know of and millions more
who don't even realize they are Jewish, plus, as the Lord God of Israel puts
it, "OTHERS," who are also his people (grafted-in gentiles)...

... Apart from attending to water
needs in Israel, like desalination that is already done at 27 plants
of different sizes, the development and adoption of renewable energy should
be an absolute priority - not just to save the world from the pollution caused
by fossil fuel, but also the terrorism that is funded by oil
money. Renewable energy will in any case be the hottest sector
in world industry for years to come, offering enormous returns on investment.
Please visit the Holy
Land Inc. Associates Page
to see our corporate strategy to
create prosperity in Israel especially by settling on recaptured land originally
mandated for Israel by establishing
"GREEN" campsites and
allowing them to grow into villages and towns.


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